
My one reminder

Last week when it was so sunny and warm I went and bought this cute little flower. It's all I have now to remind me of what it was like and what it could be.
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Heather said...

Thats FUN!!! Some of my flowers are starting to pop up!!! That makes me excited!! Can you see my blog? I just want to make sure its working for you.

Shmacque said...

That is a good idea!! I love flowers, it is always nice to have that little reminder of how things could be.

Tara Hoppie said...

I planted 3 pots of flowers too, but I had to move them from my porch to the garage so the snow wouldnt get them. Grrrr...

Sarah Sidwell said...

How fun! I have been watching the birds this morning out of the window. Poor things-its freezing today. Love the new heading on your blog.

Tara Hoppie said...

Love your new blog layout. So cute!