
This week...

This week my Grandparents, Dad and stepmom Brenda came for a visit. It was so much fun! While they were here we went to Sutters Fort. I had no idea it was right in the middle of downtown. Weird. It made me want to be a docent again. I used to be a "living history" tour guide at This is the Place Heritage Center in Salt Lake. I did it for about 4 years and loved it! I gave guided tours in the first person through historic Utah pioneer homes. It was so cool to learn how to cook over a fire and in a wood burning stove, spin on a spinning wheel and use a loom, make soap and candles and pretty much every other pioneer skill out there all while wearing period costumes, including 3 petticoats (which did catch fire on more than one occasion). I've decided that Abbi and I will volunteer at the American West Heritage Center in Logan one of these summers.

We also had dinner at my great-aunt and uncles house here in Sacramento. It was fun to see them and my dads cousins again. We took the opportunity to take a four generation picture while we were there. It's my Grandpa, Dad, me and Abigail.
We also took some one on one pictures with Abbi. Isn't she cute?


Hardings in Providence said...

Love the picture of Abbi in the left hand corner. You can tell she is filling out more and outgrowing that newborn stage. We can't wait to see her again!

Traci said...

so cute!! I'm so excited to come visit! Is that soccer field behind your family picture?